Jul 23

Write to the President of Tajikistan by July 28 (Eid ul-Fitr)

Please write to the President of Tajikistan and the Minister of Foreign Affairs greeting them on the end of  Ramadan, commending them on Alex’s release from detention, and asking them to conclude the investigation.

Here is a model letter:


Dear Mr President Rahmon /Mr Foreign Minister Aslov,

Please accept my congratulations on the occasion of your forthcoming celebration of Idi Ramazon (Eid ul-Fitr), 28 July 2014.

I was very glad to hear of  the release from prison of Alexander Sodiqov.  Alexander reports that he was well-treated and the investigation was conducted professionally.

I am writing to express my hope that the investigation will be concluded soon and that Alexander will be freed to return to his studies in Canada.

Yours truly,


Please send this letter to the following emails:


Thank you!


For more information see:

