Mar 14

Migrant Rights and Migrant Hope (21 March)

AmnestyInternational logo‘Migrant rights and migrant hope: Amnesty International’s work in Central Asia’, 21 March, 17:30-18:30, Building One, Constantine Levantis Teaching Room.

Large numbers of labour migrants leave Central Asia each year for work.  Two of the three most migration-dependent economies of the world are in Central Asia.  But many of these migrants are subject to abusive employment practices and exploitative state officials in Russia and other countries in which they work.  This event, which takes place to mark the traditional new year of the Turkic-Persian world (Nooruz/nawruz), focuses on the human rights situation of both labour migrants and political refugees and the role of Amnesty International in campaigning to protect and support them.  It features Amnesty International’s Anna Kirey and Zulfia Chynar-Satimabi who are part of the organization’s Russia and Eurasia programme.  In the spirit of Nooruz, the short event will begin and end with a Central Asian musical performance.