Bafoev, Nuriddin

Gender: .
State of concern: .

Who, Why and How exiled:

Political activist, member of "Youth for the Revival of Tajikistan". Not clear when he left Tajikistan for Russia, but the group was allegedly set up and organised in Russia (Холзода, 2015).

Category of exile: . (Definitions here.)
Alleged affiliation: Youth for Revival of Tajikistan.

Which stages experienced: Stage 1   Stage 2   not Stage 3. (Definitions here.)
Date of most serious incident: 2014.
Violence experienced: .

Stage 1 details (accusations/ charges/ Interpol notice/ extradition requests):

"Youth for the Revival of Tajikistan" was labelled an extremist organisation for organising protests against the Tajik government and allegedly collaborating with another opposition group, Group of 24 (Холзода, 2015).

Since November 2014 arrests of activists of "Youth for the Revival of Tajikistan" have been taking place in Russia (Atayeva, 2015).

Stage 2 details (arrest/ detention/ extradition):

Arrested in Moscow on 25 November 2014 (Tajinfo, 2015).

International arrest warrant: .

Countries of transit, asylum and/or residence: .

Current status:

Still being detained in Russia. At risk of extradition to Tajikistan (Tajinfo, 2015).

Acquired citizenship: .

Press sources:

Nadejda Atayeva, "Arrests of the Tajik activists in Moscow, Maksud Ibragimov is missing," [blog], January 27, 2015.[Online].Available at:;

Нурмухаммад Холзода, "Россия отказала в предоставлении убежища молодежному тадж-оппозиционеру Абдуназарову," Centrasia, July 5, 2015. [Online].Available at:;


Tajinfo, "Россия: таджикскому активисту Мехрубону Сатторову грозит экстрадиция," August 2, 2015. [Online].Available at: