Nasrulloyev, Khabibullo

Gender: .
State of concern: .

Who, Why and How exiled:

Nasrulloyev was the chairman of the Tajik Consumers' Union (“Tajikpotrebsoyuz”). Nasrulloyev was leader of the People’s Front in the Hissar region of Tajikistan- he supported the opposition candidate for presidential election, Abdulajanov (European Court of Human Rights, 2007; Fergana news, 2006).

Category of exile: . (Definitions here.)
Alleged affiliation: Tajik Consumers' Union.

Which stages experienced: Stage 1   Stage 2   not Stage 3. (Definitions here.)
Date of most serious incident: 2003.
Violence experienced: .

Stage 1 details (accusations/ charges/ Interpol notice/ extradition requests):

On the 30th June 2003 Nasrulloyev was charged with a series of offences- kidnapping, manslaughter, participation in an anti-government organisation- allegedly committed between November 1992 and February 1997 (European Court of Human Rights, 2007; Fergana news, 2006).

Stage 2 details (arrest/ detention/ extradition):

On the 13th August 2003 Nasrulloyev was arrested in Moscow. On the same day the Tajikistan Prosecutor General's Office sent a request for the applicant's extradition to its Russian counterpart which was received on the 18th August 2003.

Moscow agreed to extradite him, but the extradition procedure was suspended by the decision of the Strasbourg Court (Lenta ru., 2007).

The City Court in Russia ordered Nasrulloyev’s release finding that the maximum detention period set out in Articles 108 and 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure had expired and that his detention in excess of that period had been unlawful in the light of the Constitutional Court's decision on the 4th April 2006- extradition was expired on 2nd October 2006 (European Court of Human Rights,  2007).


Other actions during Stages 1–3 (dispossession/ overseas assets frozen/ intimidation/ action against associates/ …):

On an unspecified date Nasrulloyev's youngest son was convicted for participation in the offensive and sentenced to seventeen years' imprisonment (European Court of Human Rights, 2007).

International arrest warrant: .

Countries of transit, asylum and/or residence: .

Legal status (refugee/ asylum seeker/ resident):

He repeatedly tried to obtain official refugee status in Russia, but was refused (Lenta ru., 2007).

Current status:

He was released in 2006. The City Court ordered Nasrulloyev’s release finding that the maximum detention period set out in Articles 108 and 109 of the Code of Criminal Procedure had expired and that his detention in excess of that period had been unlawful in the light of the Constitutional Court's decision on the 4th April 2006- extradition was expired on 2nd October 2006 (European Court of Human Rights,2007; Lenta ru., 2007).

The European Court of Human Rights, ordered Russian authorities  to pay him 40 thousand euros in compensation for moral damage for the three years that Nasrulloev spent in a Russian prison. In addition, Russia must reimburse him for legal costs of 1.4 thousand euros (Lenta ru., 2007).

Press sources:

Ferghana news, 2006. "Таджикистан заявляет, что Хабибулло Насруллоев никогда не был министром торговли", 4th October, 2006. [Online]. Available at:


Lenta ru., 2007. "Таджикский беженец отсудил у России 40 тысяч евро", 12 October, 2007. [Online]. Available at:

Legal sources:

European Court of Human Rights, 2007. "CASE OF NASRULLOYEV v. RUSSIA", 11th October 2007. [Online]. Available at: