Ortikova, Mohira

Gender: .
State of concern: .

Who, Why and How exiled:

Mohira Ortikova is a civil society and human rights activist from Tashkent, Uzbekistan.

After her husband was released in 2011, they fled Uzbekistan for the US, where she has continued her human rights work (Buzzfeed News, 2014; Human Rights Commission, 2015).

Category of exile: . (Definitions here.)
Alleged affiliation: Journalist.

Mohira Ortikova and her husband Kayum Ortikov have together fled to the US.

Which stages experienced: Stage 1   not Stage 2   not Stage 3. (Definitions here.)
Date of most serious incident: 2011.
Violence experienced: .

Stage 1 details (accusations/ charges/ Interpol notice/ extradition requests):

She gained prominence in 2011, after her husband was arrested and tortured by Uzbek security forces.

International arrest warrant: .

Countries of transit, asylum and/or residence: .

Legal status (refugee/ asylum seeker/ resident):

After much international pressure, her husband was released in 2011.

The couple immediately fled the country, hoping to find refugee status in the UK. But despite his previous work for the British Embassy, the British government failed to offer any assistance, so the couple moved to the United States instead (Buzzfeed News, 2014), where they have received refugee status.

Current status:

In April 2013 UNHCR granted then with refugee status, they fled to US (The Independent, 2013).

Press sources:

Human Rights Commission (2015). The Andijan Massacre Ten Years Later: The Human Rights Situation in Uzbekistan. [online] Humanrightscommission.house.gov. Available at: https://humanrightscommission.house.gov/sites/humanrightscommission.house.gov/files/documents/Uzbekistan%20Briefing%20-%20Bios.pdf [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

Human Rights Watch (2014). Submission to the UN Human Rights Committee on Concerns and Recommendations on Uzbekistan. [online] Human Rights Watch. Available at: https://www.hrw.org/news/2014/08/13/submission-un-human-rights-committee-concerns-and-recommendations-uzbekistan [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

Seddon, M. (2014). Flayed Alive In Uzbekistan, Frozen Out By Great Britain. [online] BuzzFeed. Available at: https://www.buzzfeed.com/maxseddon/flayed-alive-in-uzbekistan-frozen-out-by-great-britain?utm_term=.oqbk35N81p#.dp61R5qdwr [Accessed 25 Apr. 2018].

The Independent (2013)."Mohira Ortikova's letter to Prime Minister David Cameron". 30 June 2013.[Online]. Available at: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/mohira-ortikovas-letter-to-prime-minister-david-cameron-8680026.html [Accessed: 16 June, 2018]

Mutabar (2013). "Мохира Ортикова: Призываю всех жертв пыток к беспощадной борьбе против пыток". 05.11.2014.[Online]. Available at: https://mutabar.org/ru/2013/11/9481[Accessed 22 May. 2018].