Sagidullaev, Aman

Gender: .
State of concern: .

Who, Why and How exiled:

Sagidullaev is the leader of the separatist movement "Alga, Karakalpakstan!" ("Karakalpakstan, Forward!") that seeks independence for Uzbekistan's northwestern autonomous region of Karakalpakstan. Until 2015, he was in self-imposed exile in Kyrgyzstan, over his political activities (The Guardian, 2015).

Category of exile: , . (Definitions here.)
Alleged affiliation: Alga Karakalpakstan.

Which stages experienced: Stage 1   Stage 2   not Stage 3. (Definitions here.)
Date of most serious incident: 2011.
Violence experienced: .

Stage 1 details (accusations/ charges/ Interpol notice/ extradition requests):

In July 2014, he has been put by  Uzbek authorities on an international wanted list (Голос Свободы, 2014).

In an interview in 2015, he told that his brothers were persecuted by the Uzbek authorities ( Radio Free Europe, 2015).

During his stay in the Kyrgyz refugee camp, he told that Uzbekistan’s security service were seeking to forcibly take him back to Uzbekistan, where he faces serious charges ( RFE, 2014).

In 2013, someone tried to kidnap his son (InoZpress,2014).

In early October, 2014, the prosecutor's office of the Karauzyak district fabricated a criminal case against his brothers Zhumabai Sagidullayev and 49-year-old Bakhyt Sagidullayev. Sagidullaev further reported that his family in Karakalpakstan was under surveillance and pressure from the security services ( InoZpress, 2014).


Stage 2 details (arrest/ detention/ extradition):

In 2011 he has been accused of stealing two billion Uzbek soums (more than $1m) from a tractor company. Sagidullaev, says the allegations are fabricated ( The Guardian, 2015).

International arrest warrant: .

Countries of transit, asylum and/or residence: , .

Legal status (refugee/ asylum seeker/ resident):

In 2014, Sagidullaev has been appealing to Kyrgyz authorities and the office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees to be granted political asylum (RFE, 2014).

He has been granted asylum in Europe.

Current status:

Living in Europe having gained asylum.

Press sources:

Radio Free Europe, 2014. "The Saga Of Aman Sagidullaev And Alga Karakalpakstan". [Online]. Available at:

Radio Free Europe, 2015. "Karakalpak Activist Says Uzbek Authorities Arrested His Relatives"[Online]. Available at:

The Guardian, 2015. "Uzbekistan separatist movement threatens ancient culture' , 05.02.2015. [Online]. Available at:

Freedom House, 2016. Uzbekistan. [Online]. Available :

InnoZpress,2014. "Каракалпакские лидеры просят Кыргызстан не дать их похитить" [Online]. Available at:

Ferghana.News. 2015. Правозащитники: Узбекистан встречает День независимости пытками и нарушением прав и свобод граждан.[Online]. Available at:

Голос Свободы,2014. "Была ли слежка за семьей каракалпакского оппозиционера?". [Online]. Available at:

Legal sources: