Kadirzhanov, Makhamadillo

Gayratbek Saliyev (24), Bakhtiyor Mamashev (28) and Makhamadillo Kadyrzhanov (42) fled to Russia in July 2010, after four days of ethnic clashes between ethnic Kyrgyz and ethnic Uzbeks in southern Kyrgyzstan (Amnesty International, 2013)

Gender: .
State of concern: .

Who, Why and How exiled:

Kadirzhanov Makhamadillo lived in the Jalal Abad region of Kyrgyzstan.  After the mass disorders and inter-ethnic clashes in June 2010, he fled to to Russia for fear of the ethnically motivated violence or any future persecution (ECHR, 2014).

Category of exile: . (Definitions here.)
Alleged affiliation: Osh 2010.

Which stages experienced: Stage 1   Stage 2   not Stage 3. (Definitions here.)
Date of most serious incident: 2012.
Violence experienced: .

Stage 1 details (accusations/ charges/ Interpol notice/ extradition requests):

On the 3rd October 2011, the Kyrgyz authorities charged Kadirzhanov in absentia with violence crimes committed in the course of the violence of June 2010. (ECHR, 2014). His name was  added to the international wanted list. (ECHR, 2014).

Stage 2 details (arrest/ detention/ extradition):

On the 14th May 2012 Kardizhanov was was arrested in Orel, Russia. It appears that this was the first time he learnt about the charges against him in Kyrgyzstan. A formal extradition request was lodged on 12th June 2012. (ECHR, 2014; Amnesty International, 2013).

International arrest warrant: .

Countries of transit, asylum and/or residence: .

Legal status (refugee/ asylum seeker/ resident):

He applied for refugee status after his  arrest. His application was however rejected due to a lack of evidence for the mistreatment he would face in Kyrgyzstan (ECHR, 2014).

Current status:

Kardizhanov was released from custody shortly after the Orel regional deputy prosecutor reasoned that the examination of the case would take longer than the maximum period of detention (25th September 2013) ( ECHR, 2014).

Press sources:

Amnesty International, "Троим узбекам грозит экстрадиция из России". 10th June, 2013. [Online]. Available at: https://amnesty.org.ru/node/2515/

Legal sources:

European Court of Human Rights, " CASE OF KADIRZHANOV AND MAMASHEV v. RUSSIA", 17th July 2014.[Online]. Available at: http://www.refworld.org/docid/53c7a7d94.html [accessed 16 April 2016]