Musin, Albert

Gender: .
State of concern: .

Who, Why and How exiled:

Musin left Uzbekistan and fled to Russia in 1992 after being harassed for his involvement in the political opposition and association with the Birlik movement (Amnesty International, 1997a).

Category of exile: . (Definitions here.)
Alleged affiliation: Birlik.

Which stages experienced: not Stage 1   Stage 2   not Stage 3. (Definitions here.)
Date of most serious incident: 1997.
Violence experienced: .

Stage 1 details (accusations/ charges/ Interpol notice/ extradition requests):

He has been harassed by the state authorities (Amnesty International, 1997a).

Stage 2 details (arrest/ detention/ extradition):

On the 21st February 1997, Musin was detained for a personal documents check by the police in Moscow (Amnesty International, 1997a). Upon the discovery that he did not have proper registration documents to live in Moscow he was taken to a police station, and there it was found out that Musin was wanted by the Uzbek authorities (Amnesty International, 1997a). In Uzbekistan during March 1996, a criminal case had been mounted against Musin, according to Article 191 of the Uzbekistan Criminal Code, for “illegal collection, divulging and use of information” (Amnesty International, 1997a). Although facing possible extradition, Musin was released from Moscow’s police custody on the 6th March 1997 and at a press conference, a representative of the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Russia said that there were no plans by the Uzbek authorities to seek Musin’s extradition (Amnesty International, 1997b).

International arrest warrant: .

Countries of transit, asylum and/or residence: .

Current status:

Musin died at his home in Karjaa, Finland at the end of February in 2011 (Helsingin Sanomat, 2011).

Acquired citizenship: .

Press sources:

Amnesty International. (1997a). Fear of forcible repatriation / Possible prisoner of conscience.

Amnesty International. (1997b). Further information on EXTRA 24/97 (EUR 04/02/97, 24 February 1997) - Fear of forcible repatriation / Possible prisoner of conscience.

Helsingin Sanomat. (2011). Albert Musin. Available: Last accessed 15th Feb 2018.